

Property To Let | Register For Updates | Report A Repair | Why Rent Through Us  | Apply For A Property | Tenant Application Form | Tenant Guides |

Properties To Let

We let and manage houses, apartments and flats throughout the Bradford area. Please check our Property List to view details of available property. Please note that our list changes daily.


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Report A Repair

report a repairThis has never been easier and our website is designed to help you report a repair and to help you understand the basics.

Please follow the instructions on the form, give as much information as possible and we will contact you with updates.

Please note our attitude towards repairs is to get your landlord to get them done or for your landlord to authorise our office to get them done as soon as possible. 95% of urgent repairs to include gas and heating repairs are carried out the within the same day depending on parts availability. Non urgent repairs carried out quickly.


Please click on the link below to report a repair :- 


Tenants Why Rent Through Us ??

'Your Property Is Our Priority'

why rent through usWe don`t take on any property, if we think we or a tenant are going to have problems with the landlord or the property is not up to standard or in a good, safe condition we simply do not take it on.

We are an experienced agent letting hundreds of properties since 1989. Yes that’s right over 30 years !!

Some of our tenants have been with us from the start and we like to think that we provide the best service possible to our tenants and landlords alike.

We offer :-

  • 100 % up to date Legal documentation for your protection
  • Easy repair reporting on our website via fixflo with a dedicated repair administrator.
  • Fully qualified, experienced tradesmen to include dedicated plumbers, heating engineer and electricians.
  • Fully up to date inventory and photos of the property thus protecting you from unscrupulous landlords retaining tenancy deposits needlessly but also fairly recording any damage that may occur during the tenancy
  • Gas Safety Certificate provided annually
  • Electrical certificate provided
  • Smoke Alarms all tested before a tenant moved in
  • EPC ( Energy performance certificate ) provided
  • Right to rent leaflet and advice. View Pdf
  • Advice and help with all aspects of your tenancy when needed. Were not just here to keep landlords happy we want to keep our tenants happy as well
  • Deposit protected in the tenancy deposit scheme Tennancy Deposit Scheme

Please note our attitude towards repairs is to get your landlord to get them done or authorise our office to get them done as soon as possible. 95% of urgent repairs especially gas and heating repairs are normally carried out the same day depending on parts availability. Non urgent repairs carried out quickly. The repairs aren’t just forgotten about, we don`t clear them from our software until they are completed.

Since 2016 we`ve only had 6 tenancy deposit disputes in total ( which we could not resolve amicably ) arbitrated by TDS out of 100`s of tenancies ending. ie we are fair and accurate to all tenants and landlords regarding the deposit return at the end of a tenancy.

Apply For a Property

apply for a property 



GENERAL :- We do not accept pets in our properties.

Single or groups of Universal Credit tenants under 35 without children are not accepted. You must be able to sign up for the tenancy within 1 - 10 days maximum if you are accepted. All tenancy’s are required for a minimum 6 months with the tenant responsible for the full 6 month or extended tenancy. One months notice is required in writing should you wish to leave at the end of the 6 months.

An application form is required to be filled out by each adult applying for a property. Once the application form and documents are received it normally takes a maximum 5 working days to give you an answer if you have been accepted or not. Homelets & Sales do not have to give any reason why a tenant may be declined for a property

Once you have moved in to a property the deposit is returned in full only at the end of the tenancy provided that the tenant has : - stayed a minimum of 6 months, given 1 months’ notice to leave the property, left the property in the same condition as when the tenant moved in undamaged, clear of tenants effects and clean inside and out and also complied with all terms of the tenancy agreement. The deposit will be protected by the tenancy deposit scheme.

UNIVERSAL CREDIT / LOW INCOME / BENEFITS TENANTS :- A guarantor is required who is a member of your family, is working full time, has no county court judgements and has a mortgage. You must also pass the general reference checks as above.

If you pass the reference checks and provided the landlord accepts you, we will arrange for you to move in. The bond and first month’s rent is then immediately paid by bank transfer see above. Please not we do wait for universal credit / benefits to pay the tenant monies. Future rents will be paid monthly in advance on the 1st of every month in line with your tenancy agreement.

WORKING TENANTS :- You must be working full time and not be claiming universal credit / benefits otherwise you will be classed as a universal credit / benefits tenant. You must pass the general reference checks as above. If you pass the reference checks and provided the landlord accepts you, we will arrange for you to move in. The bond and first month’s rent is then paid by bank transfer see above. Future rents will be paid monthly in advance on the 1st of every month in line with your tenancy agreement.

STUDENT TENANTS :- Are accepted on most properties and will classed as a working tenant.

REFERENCES :- Are required to include a credit check, you must have no county court judgements, we will require work / previous work references and previous / current landlord references are also required. Some applications may require a guarantor but we will contact you if needed. Referencing can take up to 5 working days


  • 3 Months Bank Statements
  • 3 Month Wage Slips (if applicable)
  • Proof of current address i.e. 2 x Utility Bills etc
  • ID (Driving Licence/Passport)

If a guarantor is required they will also need to produce the above documentation


You will be immediately required to pay a full months rent and the full deposit ( bond ) for the property. Please note that the deposit payment includes a £50 holding deposit that is part of the full deposit which is not refunded if the tenant withdraws or changes their mind about moving into a property.

It is the tenants responsibility to ensure gas, electricity and water are connected prior to moving in.Note that electric and gas token meters are sometimes present.

Homelets will not be responsible if a property is not available for reasons outside their control.

Download Our Tenancy Application Form


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